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tv   KRON 4 Early News  KRON  October 15, 2013 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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the developing story is a bart. we have trains running this morning for another day at least after unions and management decided to extend their labor talks past the deadline monday. they're taking a recess and they will be back later in the early afternoon. bart unions initially said they would strike if they did not reach a deal by midnight early this morning. the possibility of the strike is still there as the unions gave management in 24 our retreat from what would have been the second strike and more than three months. >>darya: our team coverage continues with kron4's will tran as they emerged this morning at the headquarters. they will return at 1:00. >>will: i got into at least admit that part. they would not say anything. they would not even comment on whether or not they made progress.
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at 530 this morning and decided to leave the building. go home to a little bit of a now and come back. here's video that we shot of about sides of the bargaining table leaving. here's one of the chief negotiators and to that. we just her she could not comment because she was placed under a federal gag order. not just her but also the other players here. and we did get some comments from the federal mediator. it was his job to come up to the media and tell us the status of the negotiations. here's what he had to separate >>: at the mediator's request we will be taking a recess until early this afternoon. that is all on going to have to say at this moment. negotiations are continuing and we will be back at it early this afternoon. >>will: and then i found out what time are you
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negotiating for it could do at least tell that the other thing you need to know. >>: we are following another ankle and are continuing to in coverage and that's the riders three summer and the bay area there is a car full of coworker sitting in traffic right now going to guess we didn't have to get up this early to do this. kron4's jackie so as at the nelson riddle bart station with the writer frustration which day-by-day continues to grow. >>: i was going to say it is
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starting to become fatigued and frustration. that's because for the third consecutive commute day, riders sit and commuters are of the bay area what to bed not knowing whether or not the trains were going to be running through many of them said they got up in the middle of the night to check to see if the trains would be running print on your ed nelson riddle bart station and the trains are running about an hour-and-a-half ago here. for thirty was the first train that went through but it is starting to get very old for this commuter's for it to have a been a waiting to get some certainty back in their lives. these are people who use bart on a daily basis to get to and from the places that they need to be. on one hand and now bart management and on the other barge unions and stuck in the middle are the bart riders. as i said many people are going to bed not knowing whether or not they will have to make alternative plans. we had a chance to talk to bart riders over the next couple of days. here's what one had to say about his mind.
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>>: are you getting frustrated? >>: ps but i'll get through it. it will be >>: to know before you went to bed last night? >>: no i found out about 230 this morning it is getting tiring. >>: it sounds like a bad decision is more than a few hours off. a lot of these people will be at work. obviously as the negotiations get back to business at around 1:00 this afternoon. i have to tell you the people i talk to yesterday today have and last friday. many of them don't really care who wins these negotiations. all they want is for this to be over and be resolved.
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>>darya: and then it wilhave a r union announcing plans to go on strike this week. representatives giving notice to ac transit yesterday that workers are going to walk off the job at 12 all one the a.m. this thursday morning if there is a note contract no reached. --12 01 a.m.. >>: which had to tentative agreement that we brought back to our members and our members have overwhelmingly rejected those of tentative agreements. they're upset about their safety. the cost of the health care coverage. the $283 a month for the families. >>darya: in response to the
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president of the ac transit board of directors expressed his frustration st the board and union leaders have come to agreement but both were voted down by the rank and file. among recent offer made on october 2nd offered a ninth 0.5% increase over three years. --and 9.5 >>mark: over the boat. will have to wait and see what happens later on this week. as far as getting around. commuters to know the options. we have all the latest information on our web site kron4 dot com to help get you through it. the plans being put into place three car pool lanes will be extended on 888683 it casual car pools will offer several big upset east bay locations. and after no pickups spot on spear street. bart will be running
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a limited . stay with us we will bring you the latest on air and on line for it as soon as we get new information we will tweet out the latest period and also sent you pushed notifications it on our kron4 at. >>george: started to build up in the westbound direction of the bay bridge toll plaza. the metering lights have been activated for the commute into san francisco and quick mention of a bart. there is still a minor delay on the richmond fremont line.
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>>erica: we are heading out to a clear and crisp start to your tuesday morning permit the live look outside for our roof cameras. it is called out there. we will continue to see those off shore when the build. warmer temperatures and to to margaret a high lecture 7 day around the bay forecast when the kron4 morning news
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returns. stay with us [ laughter ] he loves me. he loves me not. he loves me. he loves me not. ♪ he loves me! that's right. [ mom ] warm and flaky in 15, everyone loves pillsbury grands! [ girl ] make dinner pop! so i should probably get the last roll... yeah but i practiced my bassoon. [ mom ] and i listened. [ brother ] i can do this. [ imitates robot ] everyone deserves ooey, gooey, pillsbury cinnamon rolls. make the weekend pop.
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welcome back. working up to some residents around berkeley were one of seven this morning when they felt it in little shaking permit over a hunter reports here, the u.s. yes website of people feeling that even out for, corporate no reports of any damage or injuries. if
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some video coming out of the philippines a huge earthquake there. a seventh try to mackinac to permit the death toll now at 85 as the collapse of buildings including historic churches and descent people under the streets. the conceit people under the shopping mall. some people were killed and the stampede to get out of the buildings during a large quake. >>darya: the time now is 613 and coming up why thousands of people and our states are waiting for their delayed unemployment checks for it will have the details next and here's a live look at the nelson riddle bart station as people wait to catch a train. the bart trains are running this morning. . we'll be right back.
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>>darya: the good news this morning are bart trains are running. unit and management has agreed to extend their talks and past a man by deadline and then this morning about 545 the federal negotiator came out to say that they are taking a recess until early this after no print this should be back at the table by 1:00. the possibility of a strike loans to. it would
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have meant a second strike in more than three months. those trains are rolling today which is all you need to know as to get out of bed at the moment trips >>: let's see how traffic is backing up the phidias. a george following that. >>george: we are following anything in the white of unusual weather patterns. and then we are looking at any hot spots. --we are looking at any hot spots. we are not looking at any hot spot. highway 92 still in is a commute here with a 11 minute drive time and the commute for the golden gate bridge 101 southbound looks good for the ride coming
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from iran and county. >>erica: let's focus on just how cold it is out there. 49
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degrees in concord permit in downtown san francisco not too bad at 56 of the great strength as we look into the afternoon for it i think we will see more '70s today compared to yesterday. more 80s by our afternoon highs. temperatures back in the '60s by ed o'clock this evening. we will keep clear conditions for the next 24 hours bridge those offshore winds will start to pick up and that will increase our concern for fire danger but the good news is if you like warm weather you will see it today. temperatures as much as five degrees warmer than where we should be. finally eighties once again in the south bay. 82 degrees in campbell. upper seventies over and mountain view. as we turn our to to to the
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north bay. fairfield the high of 81% vallejo flirting with over 70 separate clear skies over the bay area. high pressure continues to build them over the eastern pacific. what that meant as consistent stable weather permits and it's actually going to guide the storm track world. your 7 day around the bay forecast highlights a very subtle variations on here today temperatures. we will however start to cool things down as we start the next work week. >>: one person has died and two others are in hospital after they were shot in the
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hayes valley neighborhood. this happened around 730 last night one of the friend was transported to the hospital where they later died. the two others have less serious injuries. police did not have the gunmen at this time. >>mark: senate leaders are closing in on an agreement to avoid the debt ceiling and reopen the government for it kit
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>>darya: california officials note a computer upgrade for the state's unemployment insurance program was a bomb rubble to problems before it was installed. officials from the unemployment that-and flemish development department under estimate how many unemployment claims would be affected by a glitch in the system upgrade. the data conversion
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problem eventually delay jobless benefits for nearly 150,000 californians. the agency has apologized for the delay in says employees were working around the clock to processed backlog claims. >>james: it appears americans are tracking less on jews. according to the wall street journal, on a juice consumption is at a 15 year ago. the site a report from the florida department of citrus. high prices are partly to blame a gallon of o.j. will run you about six bucks today compared to just over $4.10 years ago. people are also treated and orange juice for more exotic fruit are also treated and orange jat farmers we make you smarter about insurance, because what you dont know can hurt you. what if you didn't know that it's smart to replace washing-machine hoses every five years? what if you didn't know that you might need extra coverage for more expensive items?
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and what if you didn't know that teen drivers are four times more likely to get into an accident? 'sup the more you know, the better you can plan for what's ahead. talk to farmers and get smarter about your insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum -bum ♪
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new york city's top prosecutor is demanding home and apartment looking website "air bnb" to turn over information on residents were using their service. the web site allows people to book a room, apartment or home many at a deeply discounted price. now, city officials want to know whether the residents renting out there breaking a state law. that law bars sublets for fewer than 30 days its occupants are not present. officials said the practices often illegal undercut the hotel industry avoid taxes and rent an apartment building safety.
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>>mark: we are watching futures trading this morning futures flat after a wild day yesterday. trading wahl for most of the day as it appeared weaver getting closer to the debt ceiling. but then whispers of a senate deal emerged late in the day. trading rebounded.
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back in our day, we couldn't just move the tv wherever we wanted. yeah, our birthday entertainment was a mathemagician. because if there's anything that improves magic, it's math. the only thing he taught us was how to subtract kids from a party. ♪ let's get some cake in you. i could go for some cake. [ male announcer ] switch and add a wireless receiver. get u-verse tv for $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. with my united mileageplus explorer card. i've saved $75 in checked bag fees. [ delavane ] priority boarding is really important to us. you can just get on the plane and relax. [ julian ] having a card that doesn't charge you foreign transaction fees saves me a ton of money. [ delavane ] we can go to any country and spend money the way we would in the u.s. when i spend money on this card, i can see brazil in my future. [ anthony ] i use the explorer card to earn miles in order to go visit my family, which means a lot to me.
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♪ in order to go visit my family, which means a lot to me. happy birthday! it's a painting easel! the tide's coming in! this is my favorite one. it's upside down. oh, sorry. (woman vo) it takes him places he's always wanted to go. that's why we bought a subaru.
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(announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. welcome back. back to our top story creek we have transported that stretch back to our top story trains are running for its negotiations will resume up around 1:00 this we learned that trains will be running through the rest of the day. kron4's will tran is monitoring all of the updates for it >>will:. your guarantee that the bart trains will run all today but tomorrow is anyone's guess and the reason why is because this is the third day that the
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unions have backed off on their debt 1. if there were supposed to go on strike on friday and the yesterday and today to know the trains are running bridge no guarantees tomorrow. i tried to narrow them down to say yes or no but they said they were under a federal that order not to speak. here's video to live on the kron4 morning news for its we saw the players in this bargaining session at least. here's one of the chief negotiators. for a seal. she spoke to us throughout the entire process for it should apologize to us but she did say she is not allowed to talk. of the very least the nets did tell me over the past several days at least she is sitting at the bargaining table and she has the power to say yes or not permit the came out at 530. we carried it to you live on the kron4 morning news. here's the mediator same very little but at least he spoke to us. here's what he
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had to separate them out we will be taking a recess until early this afternoon that's all i'm going to have to say at this moment. negotiations are continuing and we will be back at its early this afternoon bridge >>will: he was so tight- lipped that he would not tell me right next to him that the sessions will begin at 1:00 this afternoon. i have to talk to other people who at the very least turned around and said it 1:00 will print so we have that down. as far as the progress they are not going to comment whether they are further apart or closer. third if you're a bart rider at least to have the transfer now. >>james: >>mark: we are watching a.c. transit were the unions,
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the samian and 80 announcing a plan to go on strike this week. vienna representatives gave notice to ac transit yesterday that workers will walk off the job just after midnight thursday morning.
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we will center of notifications on our kron4 app. also check-in on our web site facebook and to enter for all updates. >>george: we did have an earlier incident and tracy that is cleared up for it not checking any hot spot right now. and here at the bay bridge toll plaza we're actually looking at a fairly like a ride to the westbound direction as the backup is here only in the center lanes for fasttrack users. other bridges look great. >>erica: at we are tracking temperatures on the cooler side. most of us in the forties to low 50s. expect a warmer after known up with 80s for the warmest inland spots. i will have a full look at your 7 day around the bay forecast coming up and about 10 minutes.
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>>james: a 634 now for it to the south bay. a child in the hospital after being hit by a light rail train and san jose they say the train was approaching ross 730 last night when it struck the young child for it >>darya: a second worker has died at the construction site of the new 49ers stadium in santa clara. police a 60 year-old edward irving lake jr. was killed after unloading a delivery
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truck. the first about this story yesterday on the kron4 morning news. this is video of the construction site from our helicopter partnership with abc seven newsprint lake was severely injured when a bundle of agree bar fell on him. he was transported to the hospital where he later died. this is the second death at the site since construction started. a spokeswoman men for the construction company describes the effect on the crew. >>: it was a very terrible. very very sad situation >>darya: the 49ers released a statement saying " our sensors thoughts and prayers are with the family friends and co-workers affected by this tragedy. " officials said they believe this was an accident and save the job site at the new stadium is safe. >>james: ♪
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at kaiser permanente we've reduced serious heart attacks by 62%, which makes days with grandpa jack 100% more possible.
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join us at and thrive. back in our day, we couldn't just move the tv wherever we wanted. yeah, our birthday entertainment was a mathemagician. because if there's anything that improves magic, it's math. the only thing he taught us was how to subtract kids from a party. ♪ let's get some cake in you. i could go for some cake. [ male announcer ] switch and add a wireless receiver. get u-verse tv for $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. female announcer: sleep train's sleep train's inventory clearance sale, ends sunday. save 10, 20, even 35% on a huge selection of simmons and sealy clearance mattresses. get two years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. even get free delivery! sleep train stacks the savings high to keep the prices low. but hurry, sleep train's inventory clearance sale ends sunday. guaranteed!
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♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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new this morning. an afghan governor was killed and cobble today when a bomb went off. gov.--kabul. gov. arsallah jamal was delivering a speech in a mosque the bomb was apparently planted in his microphone. the blast happened at the main mosque. 15 other people were wounded. five of them critically. >>james: a former army officer is finally being honored for his actions in
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afghanistan. former army captain william swanson has been awarded them a man of honor. if it that it is a long time coming for swanson, his nomination file for the award was lost for more than a year. some say, the delay was " punishment " for swanson who spoke up to senior officials after things went wrong that day and battle. but now, he is finally being recognized. he describes what happened that day. during the battle which merited the honors went cent drop--swenson dodged enemy fire to help another soldier who had been shot in the throat. and he was determined to get everybody out including the bodies of those who had died. he is the first army officer since the vietnam war to be awarded the medal of honor.
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we will be right back. [ male announcer ] the founder of mercedes-benz
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once wrote something on a sheet of paper ♪ the challenge always accepted. and the calling forever answered. ♪ introducing the all-new 2014 s-class. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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we are back. our top story. the bart trains are running many commuters around the bay area stayed up waiting to see if bart trains would be running. the negotiations have recessed. there will result at 1:00 this afternoon. >>darya: we want to get a lot affeldt traffic and weather. hi george barrett >>george: a pretty easy ride right now for it not tracking any hot spots. a few incidents here and there. you'll see the center lanes are fairly full but the rest of the toll plaza looks good with no backups for the cash pain customers
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and the westbound direction. for the golden gate bridge we are problem for it. not at all, crowded corner of the ways in either direction i mentioned there were a couple of incidents that the chp it was tracking. one of them was here and what creek for southbound interstate 80 at north street. an accident move to the shoulder. it is starting to slow the ride a little more than usual in the southbound direction leading in from concord until 42. we are also starting to pick up some slowing on the san ramon valley but it's not bad yet. the north bay ride still looks great. nonetheless for
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101. bart which is running this morning has recovered from earlier a crime delays from the richmond fremont line. was check-in on the weather. here is their corporate >>erica: you can see clear skies from san francisco it will be a cold start to your tuesday morning. we have dropped in the upper 30s for vallejo, santa rosa make sure you grab a jacket. the more inland you had the more you'll start to pick up some really cold temperatures. sunshine for just about everyone. in fact it will actually be hard to find any called out there. upper '70's down the east bay shoreline. san jose region a high of 79 degrees. we may
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seek upper 80s low 80s and napa. temperatures still fairly mild with everyone in the '60s. your 7 day around the bay forecast highlights temperatures that very day to day little variation. you'll see plenty of sunshine and >>darya: watch a lot to do with our financial expert rob black. the dow down 60 right now whispers of a dll washington walked up close and 64 and now we are seeing the dow down 58. burning season under way. city group kind of disappointing. " call a pretty flat. johnson and johnson better than expected. what are you saying three to >>: johnson and johnson
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obviously are huge. prescriptions were up into the triple digits >>: what's going on over there. >>: burke barry their ceo is leaving in the spring to come or that apple. taking over the rob johnson and retail project. that-- burberry. this is a smart move. this is a second major
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european ceo hired. to for apple. the cbo from burberry it comes over and has a great social strategy. i like the higher. and make sense. i have to wonder how much did they have to pay her. she's had a great six year run there. in addition is an american parent coming back from london. silicon valley is nice but not that nice. >>: so blackberry has this new ad campaign coming out for it is a good thing or a bad thing saying they are going out of business and we're going to be there for real?
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>>: the one thing that can still hold there act on is their enterprise customers which microsoft or maybe apple. some of them still buy their enterprise side of business to have secured server relationships. that's not good when you're still tell people you're relevant because that probably means you are still relevant. >>mark: think you brought up. --thank you for robb. we will check back with a rock at 915 for winners them losers on wall street. >>darya: a computer glitch that affected a food stamp system caused chaos at one grocery store. to take a look at what happened at louisiana at this wal-mart store over the weekend. shoppers thought they could get whatever they wanted because they thought it was some mistake and the food stamp system which did go off line for it with all these parts. they loaded their kart like it was a
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competition on loading up as much as you could get. dutch problem is a once they found out that there was a $100 balance, there was a limit and they couldn't load up on groceries, they just deserted the parts right in the middle of the aisle like that. so basically the wal- mart workers had to spend all of their time restocking all of that. >>james: a grieving bay area mother is speaking out about her daughter's death after allegedly being the victim of bullying. she loved hot had to bury her daughter audrey 13 months ago. now she is discussing the suicide and a baleen event that the mother says left autry's death. -bullying.
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audrey pot attended sarah togo high-school and hanged herself just one week after passing out at an unsupervised house party. the pike family says 3 boy sexually assaulted offered at the party or of the teenagers were drinking. what followed was allegedly a ruthless case of bullying with pictures of audrey passed out being shared among classmates. she looked hot spot this week about what happened to her daughter. >>: i can't imagine what it would be like to be betrayed by people who you think are your friends. and to have to walk and her world which are the halls of high school in front of everybody. all three boys involved in this case are facing criminal and civil charges.
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and can add disconnect
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our top story this morning bart trains will run for another day after unions and management agreed to extend labor talks past a midnight deadline. at 5:30 a.m. this mog thde


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